Monday, September 10, 2007

photo trip, i do not know which part...

notice the suave hairdo, says the one named Chris
(I actually felt some fairly
interesting and powerful stuff
as this went on)

anybody of you guys already teach?
OMMM from somewhere in Europe, Robert


Leonore Alaniz said...

Hello friends, Robert, I hope to teach one adult class and one with chilren, and to guide one study group based on the autobiography of a yogi by P. Yogananda. I hope enough people sign up.

chris, your bog thing and site are wonderfully informative with links and funny and filled with intentional love. Intention is the best foot forward. I have this one: to add to this blog. your work is expansive making a difference. Am glad you and slownian yogis got together on this yoga network.
PS thanks for the neat photos.

chris elms said...

i'm teaching
and on some days
i just teach the grass
as the classes are outside
and i haven't spread the word
one shows

it turns
out i really learn
a lot
from the grass,
and rolling around
on my

and so on:
tai chi, yoga, feldie
all mix,

i'm learning,


miss ya all, ciao

sandra said...

Hello All Yoga friends. My computer broke down completely and had to get a brand new one, than the long learning curve and software downloads and some trouble shooting, and all this being done by a computer illiterate. Finally I have a computer again with lots of catching up to do. As soon as I figur out how, I will post my photos to the web. Hope you are all doing well. I came back to planet earth and feel like a stranger. LOve to all. Sandra